16 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

Udemy: Online Certificate

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to mention about my first online certificate as you understand from the title. It is possible to take online courses and certificates from different universities and experts all around the world thanks to some website, for example I did mine from Udemy. I had a course about "How to Make More Money Teaching English", it was a free if you wonder and also take. You have to spend money for some courses, yes, but there are also many courses for free. You can take the courses that you are interested in, watch their videos, answer some questions and when you finish, you will have a certificate! It's easy to use, no time-bound, you can watch it everytime and everywhere and very useful.

Apart from Udemy, there are another websites like Edx, Coursera, FutureLearn and so on. You can also use them for various courses. I'll give their links below and also my certificate.


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