27 Mayıs 2019 Pazartesi

QR Code Generator: Scan Me!

My new applicaton is QR Code Generator! Today, I tried this tool for my MindMeister activity that I mentioned in my previous post. You can see QR Code everywhere in our lifes, including education context. You all can see it, for example, on the last page of the textbooks. You scan it by means of your smartphones or tablets and come across much more details about questions or topics and other things. It is easy to scanning QR Code just like creating your own! Applications just like I used allow you to make it easy. 

You can create your own QR Codes about anything you want by using these websites below and share them with your friends!


You can also use QRScanner for checking your code, scan your friends and me! 

MindMeister: Types of Task

Mapping is a useful and activity that you can use your lesson, the information you need to know is all together and it makes understanding better and easier. That's why it is a favored activity in education field by teachers. And thanks to MindMiester, it is very easy to visualize the information that you want to convey all together. As can be understood, MindMeister is an online application that you can create your mind map, share it with the world and see others works.

I, also, made my own mind map, you can check it by clicking here.

25 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi

Kahoot: Adjectives

Kahoot is a online tool that can be used for educational purposes and makes learning fun. It is so easy to learn. After you sign up, you need to choose one of the options which is as a teacher, student, socially or at work. When you choose student, you can only play, but choosing as a teacher allows you to create your own learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Your students can connect to your kahoot via game pin at the class or their homes. In every right questions, participants get scores which makes this online platform more attractive for them.

My teachers also used this platform in our classes and we love it. So it is very enjoyable, I think. If you wonder, you can play my game via the link below and decide on your own.


16 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

Udemy: Online Certificate

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to mention about my first online certificate as you understand from the title. It is possible to take online courses and certificates from different universities and experts all around the world thanks to some website, for example I did mine from Udemy. I had a course about "How to Make More Money Teaching English", it was a free if you wonder and also take. You have to spend money for some courses, yes, but there are also many courses for free. You can take the courses that you are interested in, watch their videos, answer some questions and when you finish, you will have a certificate! It's easy to use, no time-bound, you can watch it everytime and everywhere and very useful.

Apart from Udemy, there are another websites like Edx, Coursera, FutureLearn and so on. You can also use them for various courses. I'll give their links below and also my certificate.


7 Mayıs 2019 Salı

Canva: Creating Posters

Hello guys! Today, I will mention about Canva, maybe you have heard or used before it. Actually, I had. A few years ago, I used Canva for creating covers for my short stories that I share online. This application can be used by teachers, just like other apps that I introduced. Teachers make posters, cards or things like that for any purpose an it can be effective for lesson. Canva enable you creating different and unique works because it's up to your imaginiation. The posters made by Canva can be used for role-play activities for example or teaching some phrases, idioms or expressions by colorful cards. Your students can encolour their homeworks with Canva. 

You can see my design for an idiom, Once in a blue moon. 

23 Nisan 2019 Salı

Storybird: The Wolf and The Shepherds

Hi guys! Today's tool is Storybird. Storybird allows you to experience reading and creative writing for free. You can create your own flash fiction, poetry, picture book or share them with other users via Facebook, Twitter or E-mail. As a teachers, we can suggest books to our students for reading or ask them to create their own stories. 

I made a picture book for kids, if you want to look at, the link is below. 


16 Nisan 2019 Salı

Augmented Reality: Animals

Augmented reality is the result of using technology to superimpose information such as sounds, images and text on the real world. Augmented reality brings virtual reality to mind, however; they are quite different from each other. Virtual reality means computer-generated environments for you to interact with, and be immersed in. Augmented reality (also known as AR), adds to the reality you would ordinarily see rather than replacing. There are many application that you can apply augmented reality but in my video, I used HP Reveal and for educational purpose. When using this application, firstly you have to focus the thing that you want whatever it is, then you add a picture, a text or something on it and save. Finally, you can see the last version of material automatically. It is very entertaining and helpful,especially for young learners. 

I and my friend also prepared a material for kindergarden or 1st grade students by adding some gifs and photos to animal pictures on the book. You can watch it
if you like. 

Powtoon: Feelings&Emotions

Hello everyone! Today I want to share brief information about Powtoon. Powtoon is a tool that help you form your own animation by using speech baloons, figures, texts, characters, gifs and pictures and so on. You can also add music or your voice to your presentation. You can use this application as a free or premium account. In free version, there is a limitation about time, characters and other stuff, but it is still very useful for creating an impressive presentation for education. 

In the link below, I share my powtoon about feelings and emotions by using present continuous tense for 3rd grade students. I hope you enjoy. 


9 Nisan 2019 Salı

Seesaw: Designing Activities

Hi everyone! This post includes simple information about what is Seesaw. Seesaw is an online tool for designing many kind of activities which can be very creative. Teachers can support their written activities with audio-visual materials by means of Seesaw. Apart from designing part, this tool is very effective and useful in term of reviewing of the homework. 

Here is my example for Seesaw, you can follow the link below if you wonder. 


Padlet: Sociolinguistic Origins of Communicative Competence

Hello everybody! As you can see, this post is going to be about a Padlet, which is a digital board containing some pictures. videos, texts and calendar that you want to add. This is my first experience in this application, but I should say, it is easy to use and create a material. In Padlet, you can share your board with the people you choose or public, with everyone. Besides, it allows different types of document and other people also make editing the material you share, That's the why it is very useful, especially for teachers, I think.

My first padlet link is below if you want to look at. 


2 Nisan 2019 Salı

Vidcast: Humanoid Robots for Language Learning

Hello everybody! In this semester, I applied on the project carried on my university, Using Humanoid Robots for English Language Learning and I was accepted to participate in this process. Because this project is my experience and important for me, I want to upload this short vidcast. In time, when we proceed our project, I will share our progression. Thanks for watching.

Podcast: About A Podcast

Podcast: About A Podcast
Hi everyone! Welcome to my first podcast which is about itself. As you know, we live in world that new advancements in technology occur by means of technology, so we have to keep up with these. The new generation is keen on technologies and they want to see them in their every life. That’s why we have to update our educational material, and podcast is one of the technologies that can help for us.https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-evgi8-acc66b#.XKPLINH9vP4.blogger

QR Code Generator: Scan Me!

My new applicaton is QR Code Generator! Today, I tried this tool for my MindMeister activity that I mentioned in my previous post. You can s...